EB-2 visa

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    The EB-2 visa provides an opportunity to immigrate to the United States for outstanding college-educated professionals, individuals of exceptional ability, and those of national interest. Here are the key points of this visa category:

    Candidates with higher education:
    Applicants with higher education may apply for an EB-2 visa if they are of interest to a US employer.
    The employer must obtain a certificate from the Department of Labor certifying that there are no qualified U.S. workers for the position.
    Candidates with “exceptional ability”:
    Individuals who demonstrate “exceptional ability” in their field may also qualify for an EB-2 visa.
    Evidence must meet at least three of seven criteria, including academic records, professional licenses, recognition in the field, letters of experience, membership in professional associations and high salary.
    National Interest Candidates (NIW):
    EB-2 visa applicants through the National Interest Waiver (NIW) do not require a labor certificate.
    Applicants must demonstrate convincingly that their presence and work in the United States is in the “national interest” of the country, including significant achievements, contributions to an area of expertise, and influence on national progress.
    A unique benefit of NIW is the ability to apply for an EB-2 visa directly, even without a US employer.
    This option is particularly attractive to self-employed professionals and those seeking independent research or creative work.
    Obtaining a green card:
    The applicant’s family, including spouse and minor children, also receive green cards.
    A green card provides the right to permanent residence in the United States.
    These aspects of the EB-2 visa provide important information for those considering immigration to the United States and seeking to utilize their professional and creative abilities in the country.



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